Top Disability Websites Directory

Directory of the top disability and mobility websites providing resources and services for disabled people, the elderly and their carers

Globally promoting all things disability, care and health related

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Top Disability Websites Directory from The Focus on Disability Team

Guide: Internet navigation for individuals with low vision or blindness

Visual impairment can make navigating the internet a challenge, but it is far from impossible says NVISION: The types ...

Top Disability Websites Directory from The Focus on Disability Team

Is America suffering an obesity epidemic?

In historical times, obesity was generally a sign of wealth and prosperity.  If someone was overweight, they had the financial ...

Top Disability Websites Directory from The Focus on Disability Team

What is Vascular Dementia and how to spot the early symptoms

Vascular dementia is a form of dementia which occurs due to the blood vessels deep within the brain becoming narrower, ...

Top Disability Websites Directory from The Focus on Disability Team

How money can affect your mental health

According to the Royal College of Psychiatrists, “debt can cause – and be caused by – mental health problems.” Money ...

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